Monday, 21 March 2011

This image, for me, sums up Prague's very prominent Gothic nature. The light green wash which this image holds is a great colour for us to look into. I think if we could create this general sickly atmosphere (especially in Gregor's room) I would work very well.
Although after conversation? the set will be set in Prague, where it is meant to be set. Prague its self is very important to the story and one of the reasons is because of its gothic nature. The city of prague is extremly gothic in nature and this must be taken into account for our set.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

1915 is when the piece written and set (although it doesn't give a date) the atmosphere and grimness of the tale seems to imply a dark time. The image on the right I really like. I love the textures and clutter which the room hold. I like the idea of the insect having collected a lot of pieces because he never leaves the room. Plus the room looks very broken and unattended, I think if this was done then in contrast a neat family room could work very effectivley.
We recently decided that we would like to create his bedroom and a corridoor. the corridoor we thought of created a darker and darker atmosphere as you walk through the set. the walls become grubier, the floor becomes damp, and the walls around the door has some infection spreading out from it.
I thought that this would be an effective way to create a daunting atmosphere from the insect.

Since thinking about how to create the atmosphere and presence of this being in our set, I have recently found a new production of Metamorphasis which toured in 09' which does this well. the set was built one on top of the other. Seeing the character constantly learing ontop of the other charaters creates this very unsettling atmosphere.
In a group meeting we wanted to create two different atmospheres in each room we make. one being tidy but knowing his presence is there, then his room which he has created into a nest like room.

Saturday, 19 March 2011

From knowledge and research i have found that the piece of Metamorphosis is usally very stylised! presented in a black and white style and the stage is commonly created out of simple scaffolding. Obviously we need to create a set for a film but we can still take ideas away from what is usually done.
One of the main aspects of the play which has hit me is the idea of presence. i like the idea of how powerful the insects presence is. Although some scenes he isnt mentioned or seen the reader is always aware of him. Some how I want to add this to our set.

The book which our group project will be based on is Metamorphosis by Kafka. It is a piece which is about a workacholic young man who turns into an insect in his room. The rest of his family know of his transformation but try to live normal lives and ignore the reality of what is happening.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

For this new unit I will be looking the art of create a space into to a set which can tell a story...

(During this project, my laptop broke down and I lost a lot of my initial drawing and ideas because I did not back up)